Monday, December 28, 2009

Extra, Extra, Read All About It-by Jett

New Diseases

This dangerous animal has given mankind plapypodeosis. The human race is now pooping plapy eggs 24-7. A plapy is a dangerous beaver like animal with wings and gills. Obama is trying to squeeze his head through the box without it getting stuck. If you are pooping plapy eggs keep 'em warm so together we can find an answer. For now wash your hands, brush your teeth and pick your toes.

A new diesease spreading
from rat to man and now is killing
thousands. We can prevent this
diseasse from spreading by eating
the yolk of a bald eagle egg. The president
is taking immediate action by forcing
eagles to lay eggs. We will give you
the latest infomation on Ratosheosis.

A dangerous desease.
If you get it you may
look like this. To prevent
this dangerous desease
avoid McDonolds at all
costs! There food is made
to infect you with fatocromiosis

Faceomiocious can be contracted by coming in contact with a person who could be or is ugly or hideous.Obama is trying furiously to find a cure. For now you can either hide your ugly face in a bag or take the new experimental medicine called Ugly-b-gone. Unfortunately the side-effects include death, heart-attack, sudden ruptures in your spleen, internal combustion, and hallucinations.
by Jett

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