Thursday, January 14, 2010

The 2009 Christmas Letter That Never Was

Happy New Year! The holidays buzzed on by and I never sat down to write my annual holiday letter, which has left me somewhat disappointed in myself! Writing that letter each year has led me to reflect on the past year and collect my favorite memories and observations. I have all of our Christmas letters together in an album that I guess has become the journal of our family life from year to year. So, it's not that last year was utterly boring or I have no memory of it, it's quite the opposite. Last year flew by without stopping and left me in the dust. I have piles of proof to show that I'm still reeling. For one, the Christmas tree is still up, fully decorated, and the stockings still hang by the chimmney with care. I also have a bag of Valentine candy and crafts sitting in my office that I had taken to Jett and Brady's classroom. Luckily, I am going to need that bag again in only 4 short weeks!

So, before I dive into 2010 at full speed, I would like to reflect a little bit on 2009 and how we have grown.

Our year started with heavy hearts with the death of my childhood best friend's father. His death shook my soul in a way that I had never known. When tragedy strikes closer and closer to home it can change you in a way that you had never expected. All of a sudden so many of life's pressures became insignificant. I usually start every new year, with a long list of things that I am going to start doing, or do better, knowing that I'll have about a 50% success rate. Last year I only had 2 things on my list. Organize and prioritize. So, while I may still have only had a 50% success rate in actually becoming organized, I am proud to say that I have had 100% success rate in prioritizing. I spent most of the year training myself to say "NO," and to focus on what it was that I need personally and what I need for my family to grow and thrive.

Later in January we traveled to El Paso to see TJ's grandfather, Fox. He was overjoyed to spend time watching the boys play and to have the company in the house. However, his eyes still held much sadness and he cried tears of lonleiness. (He lost Audra (TJ's grandmother) a few months earlier.) Another echo of my resolution to hold my family tight. And we began this year with the heartbreaking loss of TJ's other grandmother. A woman who lived every day of her life for her family and for God, with a loving heart and soul.

The boys hit the year running and were all on the basketball court by January and all participated in the school's talent show....hold part of the stage crew! Hey, someone has to spotlight the singers and move the props, and sell the concessions!

Reed is changing every day and it's facinating to see him grow and learn. He has been playing basketball all year in various leagues and in September made the competitive team that feeds into our local high school. He also played 2 seasons of Flag Football where he enjoyed playing quarterback and receiver. (without being tackled!) His real passion is reading and he is amazing with the amount of information that he retains. His math abilities are impressive and he loves all things Social Studies and Science. He registers for Junior High next week! GASP! So while he may be prepared academically, we wanted to make sure he was somewhat prepared socially, and he participated in a Cotillion class over the fall. Just seeing him in his suit, then dancing with actual GIRLS was maybe a little too much for this mom right now, but I couldn't be more proud of him.

Jett continues to love to read, read, read. Coming in close behind would be anything that is technology based and/or anything that he can build or draw. He has an incredible attention span and loves to solve problems. (making math very easy for him!) He has spent a lot of time this year building extreme "forts" with Brady and Reed in our basement, and creating intricate lego and toy robots, cars, etc... He's been bouncing the basketball all year long too, and played a fierce defense on his flag football teams and soccer teams. But I think he liked Art Club the best or his nightly appearence as a sit-down comic at the dinner table. The kid LOVES TO EAT!!!!

Brady. Brady. Brady. When he's not dancing around or chasing someone he loves games. But not really ones that you have to sit still for too long! Of course he loves basketball, and really excelled this year in flag football as a defensive back, and in soccer as a midfielder and as a goalie. He has a list of other sports that he is ready to try and succeed at, but we're trying to work at a little slower pace! He loves music and people and problem solving. Like his brothers, he is an avid reader and loves math. He loves to try new things and loves attention! (I have NO idea where he got that....) He is also sporting a new smile this year with braces~!

The one main thing that all 3 boys have in common for sure is that they LOVE their daddy! TJ has been working and playing hard all year. He is still at eCollege and has added on to his previous legal role now as their VP of Legal Affairs and Technology Partnerships. He is enjoying the responsibiliy and the challenges that come with it. When he is not working he is wrestling with the boys or playing basketball, video games, etc... We were also busy with lots of travel this last year with family trips to Lake Powell, Camping and Puerto Vallarta, and TJ and I were able to get away to well as Aspen and Keystone. I still took my annual girls trip to Mexico and TJ to Austin. So with 11 trips throughout the year, I spent the remainder of my time in the laundry room really! I've also been busy with lots of tennis and being the proud Captain of our tennis team that won 2 championships to advance to State District competitions! Aside from all of this fun, I've also actually been....working! Mountain Occasions is keeping me busy doing what I love! We kicked off the spring organizing the Denver Derby Party, and the summer full of weddings! We met some incredible families and we were so honored to be a part of so many wonderful events.

The holidays were somewhat comfortable and quiet staying home with family. My uncle from Tulsa visited for Thanksgiving and Jaree and Walker came back for another stay over Christmas. Our parents are still part of the "village" spending time with the boys, and building such solid relationships.

So, as I began this new year with it's usual panic and overwhelming feeling to create long lists of things that I think I should be doing, I am reminding myself to stop. Stop. So much of the time I live my life in the past, or in the future. In the past thinking of things that I've done that I shouldn't have, or how I could have done them better. And the future, thinking about how great things will be once I do steps A, B and C, and how I can do them better. I realize that by doing this I keep missing things in the present. Just missing little moments that are more important than anything I may have done before or anything that is to come. So, this year's "resolution" if I must use a word, is to just live in my present, the best I can. Focus more. Being more efficient with my time. Spending more time with those who make me a better and/or happier person. Paying more attention to every day moments with my family. Spending time doing things I am passionate about, and sharing them with those who care.

Thank you for being someone who cares about our family and I appreciate you being someone who has helped to make me personally, and our family grow and thrive.

Happy New Year. I hope you are living all of the moments of your life too!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks great! I love catching up with your family!
