Monday, December 28, 2009

Extra, Extra, Read All About It-by Jett

New Diseases

This dangerous animal has given mankind plapypodeosis. The human race is now pooping plapy eggs 24-7. A plapy is a dangerous beaver like animal with wings and gills. Obama is trying to squeeze his head through the box without it getting stuck. If you are pooping plapy eggs keep 'em warm so together we can find an answer. For now wash your hands, brush your teeth and pick your toes.

A new diesease spreading
from rat to man and now is killing
thousands. We can prevent this
diseasse from spreading by eating
the yolk of a bald eagle egg. The president
is taking immediate action by forcing
eagles to lay eggs. We will give you
the latest infomation on Ratosheosis.

A dangerous desease.
If you get it you may
look like this. To prevent
this dangerous desease
avoid McDonolds at all
costs! There food is made
to infect you with fatocromiosis

Faceomiocious can be contracted by coming in contact with a person who could be or is ugly or hideous.Obama is trying furiously to find a cure. For now you can either hide your ugly face in a bag or take the new experimental medicine called Ugly-b-gone. Unfortunately the side-effects include death, heart-attack, sudden ruptures in your spleen, internal combustion, and hallucinations.
by Jett

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Can't Help Falling In Love...

As a wedding coordinator, I am lucky to witness the beginning of a lot of love stories. My favorite part of a wedding is the moment the bride begins down the aisle and I immediately look to the groom to see his reaction. The look that the two share is one of pure joy and pure love. Completely caught up in the moment and immersed in the promise. I often think about how I know what they are thinking. The moments in life that something so real, so raw, so romantic happens, I think, there is NO way I will ever be this in love again. These moments happen when you least expect them, and then when the feeling overcomes you forget that you ever thought that the prior love was the most powerful, in fact, often laughing, thinking how premature that love really was. My wedding day, 14 years ago, I looked at TJ and really thought that I couldn't love anyone any more than I did that day. Then, the day Reed was born, again I thought, wow... there is no way I could love anyone more than I love this baby right now. And as life has gone along, I find myself falling in love over and over and over again with so many moments. The moment I laid eyes on Jett and Brady...the sight of the 3 boys and their daddy...the man I love comforting our sick dog...or watching how brothers are constantly aware of eachother. As our roles in life change and we bob and weave with the ebb and flow of life, it's refreshing to discover new love. Just when you think you've come to the happily every after, there is another happily ever after. And even when life is bumpy or messy, there is the promise of a moment where there is new love. This Christmas season, and all it's true meaning, may you experience many moments of pure love and pure joy.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fun Day by Brady

The day before thanksgiving we were out of school for thanksgiving break. So we went to have fun with Papa and Dean. First we went to the car museum and saw the coolest cars ever. The coolest thing was the huge train that was at least 100' long. There was also a snow plow train with a giant blade.Next we went to the aquarium because the Rockies tour was closed.when we got to the aquarium I saw some tiny shiny rainbow fish.Then we walked in this glass tunnel surrounded by turtles,big 5' fish,sharks, and small fish.Finley we got to the shark pool the coolest shark was the saw noes shark.There was one shark that really needed braces that was pregnant.Then we went to the sting rays I petted one it felt slimy but then Papa made us leave. I had lots of fun By Brady

Sunday, November 22, 2009

By Reed- Cottilion

The Buttery Footprints

Every Sunday I have this thing called Cotillion which is a etiquette and dancing class. Some of the dances we have learned are The Cha-Cha, Jitter Bug, The Waltz, The Foxtrot,The Maranga and the Tango.The reason why I gave the title is that tonight a waiter dropped a butter packet onto the floor. He just stared at it and then walked away. Later, when he came back, he stepped on the packet! It exploded all over his shoe. he didn't even notice it. He then started walking around and there were six footprints on the floor. Then, he started walking on the dance-floor. Me and my friend Nick could NOT stop laughing. Cotillion is fun and I think that all kids should do it. And remember to watch out for Jumping Rattle Snakes!!!!!!

By Jett

We went to Mexico. It was such a fun trip! A very cool thing was the last hour, we went up the bay to a turtle hatchery! I got to hold a turtle! I loved it!

By Brady

this was when me,Reed,and Jett were serving thanksgiving dinner to the poor or homeless. it felt good too help the poor it was also warm and sunny.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Game On!

Welcome to the Crowson Family Blog! So how did this come about? Well, if you can't beat 'em... join 'em! I figured, I really had nothing else to do these days, so why not put one more thing on the TO-DO list! HA!Actually, the boys have been asking about creating their own website. I've been very reluctant to open up the web and all of it's mystery in freestyle form to them.. so I've said no. It occurred to me though a few nights ago as Reed was blogging for his classroom project, that a family blog would be a perfect opportunity for all of us to update our friends and our family on our fun adventures and breaking news. It's also an excellent opportunity for the boys to express themselves in writing and own a sense of pride and confidence when reporting their very own "news." Now, with this family project I appear to have created, I will also selfishly admit that it will most likely become the Mommy Therapy. I was having a conversation with TJ last week and made some sort of statement about how it has been a long time and coming that I've had any sort of ability to complete full sentences, let alone finish anything close to an intelligent thought or educated statement on current events. I believe the last time I came close was somewhere between 1996 and 1997. I like to call this period the BC (before children). From about that time I became quite proficient in MommySpeak, and without a doubt, a professional on any parenting topic. So, as my world has now inevitably expanded, I fear that my vocabulary has yet to catch up. I've always had a passion for writing and I treasure this gift as it has enabled me to keep a running journal of my precious married and family life. (even if it's just called that The Holiday Letter!) Journaling can be quite humbling and quite rewarding as your thoughts and experiences become a tangible reflection on paper. We hope you enjoy the updates and tidbits that the boys will post and that you will celebrate our family life with us. May our family inspire and entertain you.