Saturday, November 21, 2009

Game On!

Welcome to the Crowson Family Blog! So how did this come about? Well, if you can't beat 'em... join 'em! I figured, I really had nothing else to do these days, so why not put one more thing on the TO-DO list! HA!Actually, the boys have been asking about creating their own website. I've been very reluctant to open up the web and all of it's mystery in freestyle form to them.. so I've said no. It occurred to me though a few nights ago as Reed was blogging for his classroom project, that a family blog would be a perfect opportunity for all of us to update our friends and our family on our fun adventures and breaking news. It's also an excellent opportunity for the boys to express themselves in writing and own a sense of pride and confidence when reporting their very own "news." Now, with this family project I appear to have created, I will also selfishly admit that it will most likely become the Mommy Therapy. I was having a conversation with TJ last week and made some sort of statement about how it has been a long time and coming that I've had any sort of ability to complete full sentences, let alone finish anything close to an intelligent thought or educated statement on current events. I believe the last time I came close was somewhere between 1996 and 1997. I like to call this period the BC (before children). From about that time I became quite proficient in MommySpeak, and without a doubt, a professional on any parenting topic. So, as my world has now inevitably expanded, I fear that my vocabulary has yet to catch up. I've always had a passion for writing and I treasure this gift as it has enabled me to keep a running journal of my precious married and family life. (even if it's just called that The Holiday Letter!) Journaling can be quite humbling and quite rewarding as your thoughts and experiences become a tangible reflection on paper. We hope you enjoy the updates and tidbits that the boys will post and that you will celebrate our family life with us. May our family inspire and entertain you.

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